Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cancon Thursday - Black and Blue

Hold on to your hair crimper folks, today's CanCon Thursday tune is a classic 80's tune from a Canadian band.

Originally from Charlottetown, Haywire were moderately popular in Canada during the 1980's. I worked with a gal while I was in school who was so in love with them.  She was absolutely obsessed with today's song and watched the video over and over and over again. I was quite surprised that I remembered the lyrics, guess she really burned it into our brains. Admittedly, it's a catchy song and it's about 80's sounding as it gets (it also sounds pretty Glass Tiger-y...or do Glass Tiger sound like Haywire?). Either way, it's very 80's!

Today's song is "Black and Blue." It was released on their 1987 album, "Don't Just Stand There." Re-watching the video this week was so much fun. The fashion in the video is pretty bang on.  It's like a little time capsule actually. SO many mullets... SO many perms... SUCH big shoulder pads... All that stone washed denim. It really takes me back. I can only imagine how many cans of Aquanet were used in the making of this video.

So, take a look and a listen and enjoy it xo

Believe me, baby, when I tell you
That you make love that fine
Sit around and bitch
And still I'm going out of my mind, ow!

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