Wednesday, July 27, 2005

on the road

We're heading out of town this morning. We're not 100% where we'll end up or how long we'll be away. Most likely, it'll not be longer than overnight tonight, if that. Mark spent his childhood summers on Lake Simcoe, at Belle Ewart so we might just end up in that neck of the woods so he can revisit his old haunts.

One of the things I love best about our road trips is that we don't often have a "plan" set in mind. Ordinarily, we hop in the car and just pick a direction. If we decide to stay over somewhere, we figure that out when we get there and it's not been a problem in all the years we've been doing this. When you have a cell phone and one of the guide books from CAA, it doesn't usually take more than two or three phone calls to find somewhere nice to stay. We're getting too old to stay somewhere that isn't nice. That probably sounds terrible but if we're on the road, I want to stay somewhere that is clean and has a good bed.

I've been up for a while but Mark's still snoozing. I decided to let him sleep in a little later than we'd planned because we're not in any hurry to get anywhere, we have no set schedule. Right now, it's raining here. I don't actually mind if it rains all day, we need it pretty badly. Wherever we end up and whatever we do, I have absolute confidence that we'll be having a good time!!

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