Saturday, September 13, 2003

All week, I could barely drag my butt out of bed. Today, Saturday, I could actually sleep in a bit, if I really wanted to. Of course, I was wide awake at 5:30 a.m. Typical.

I worked late again last night, although it wasn't as frantic as Thursday. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do around the house this weekend so I'm not sure if I'll go into the office for a couple of hours this morning or not. I'm feeling like I need to take a break from what I'm working on or I'll start making mistakes. It's mostly financial stuff that I'm working on so it could happen, you know what I mean?

On an up note, the other day, we got a copy of The Family Guy: Volume 2 on DVD. Neither of us had seen any of these episodes (at least none on disc 2 so far) and we're absolutely loving it. The writing got particularly sick and twisted in season 3 and it's absolutely hilarious. The more we watch this (and the Volume 1 set), more I laugh. It's been quite nice, the past few evenings, to pop a disc in and watch an episode or two before bed. I highly recommend it!

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