Friday, February 02, 2018

Guilty Pleasure Friday - The Only Flame In Town

It should be said that Elvis Costello and the Attractions should never ever ever EVER be a guilty pleasure.

I have loved Elvis Costello with and without the Attractions for more decades than I care to admit.  I was a bit gutted when I found out that he has nothing good to say about "Goodbye Cruel World," one of my favourite Elvis Costello and the Attractions albums.  If you're curious about the background of the album, my brother turned me on to an episode of Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast which explained the whole thing.

All of that aside, "the only flame in town," with it's cheesy duet between Elvis and Daryl Hall (!!) and the definitely 80's sax was, is and forever shall be a favourite song of mine.

Enjoy it, dance around if you want to and imagine how dreamy it would be to win a date with one o the boys in the band xo

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