Thursday, April 02, 2020

Cancon Thursday - Kaputt

Since I stopped listening to the news during the week day, I have been listening to old favourite songs. I need them to soothe my soul and keep me relatively sane.

During these weird days, I find myself going back to Destroyer's 2011 album, Kaputt. Today, for Cancon Thursday, I'm sharing the title track with you. Both this song, and the album, I can listen to endlessly.

If I have shared it before, well, I'm not really sorry about that so I'm not going to apologize. I just didn't really have the wherewithal to go back and check my archives today.

I hope you enjoy it, it's so good. The album is one of my favourites and I love this song (and video). I hope you're all keeping safe. Keep it up! Stay home, wash your hands, stay connected with each other but safely. This too shall pass. While we wait, be kind to one another and listen to some excellent music.

Enjoy kittens xo

Step out of your toga
And into the ocean
Look, they got your prince
On the fall
In a pinch
In the sky
In your eye

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