Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Because It's Tuesday - week of January 25

Happy New Year!

Yeah, I do know that January is almost over and it's probably not proper etiquette to be still saying that but I'm doing it anyway. After all, it's my first post of the year. It's actually the first post I've done in a good long time. I wish I could say that I had a really juicy, exciting story to explain my lack of writing but I don't. Let's blame covid-induced apathy. Sound okay?

I realized over the weekend that I missed sharing music here. Many folks are in a omicron / January funk and I know that I'm in one. Fortunately, it's almost the end of the month, February will soon arrive and after that, spring. Eventually things will feel better, I know this.

Okay, so, because it's Tuesday, I'm sharing a cover today. I'm not going to say too much about it beyond, the original is an amazing song and this cover kicks ass. 

Today's song is "Rock and Roll Girl," written by Paul Collins and originally recorded by The Beat (not to be confused with the English Beat) in 1979, on their self-titled debut album. The Muffs covered it in 1992 as part of the "Tannis Roots Presents - Freedom of Choice - Yesterday's New Wave Hits as Performed by Today's Stars" compilation. You can find it on their 2000 compilation album, Hamburger as well.

Enjoy yourselves kiddos. Stay safe, keep warm and take 2 minutes and 18 seconds listen to today's song to enjoy a little dance party!! xo

I pick up the phone and get a dial tone
I call up the number but nobody is home
But I saw it on my tv
They said there's someone for me
I wish she would answer and give me her name

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