Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Way Back Wednesday - Fox On The Run

Boy, it's almost the end of August and somehow, it's over two months since I've posted. Back in June, I actually thought that I might get back into updating this page regularly. Apparently, I was very wrong.

As some of you will know, I spent most of the summer in Summerland, BC, hanging out with my love and his super cool dog, Kitty. I did work remotely during part of my visit but we also got to hang out with friends, old and new and make many visits to the beach. Oh how I wish I could be floating in Okanagan Lake again! Unfortunately, I'm in the midst of a 14 day quarantine (I don't think it's a rule to do this when you travel out of province but I feel like it's the responsible thing to do) since returning to Ontario last week.

As my return to the blog is on a Wednesday, I'm sharing an older tune with you (in honour of Way Back Wednesday). We spent a lot of time over the summer revisiting songs from our youth - and also from the late 60's. Today's song was recorded in 1974 and released in the spring of 1975. Most of the time, when I think of UK glam rockers, Sweet, my brain goes to "Ballroom Blitz" and skating in the roller rink. I had almost forgotten about the kick ass "Fox on the Run."

It got to No. 2 on the charts here in Canada and I remember hearing it a lot when I was a kid. The video is super fun and I have a new appreciation for hair dryers (and am also glad that I don't have to use one anymore).  

I hope you enjoy it. I also hope that you're keeping well and safe.

Wash your hands.
Wear your mask.
Be kind to each other.

You-you talk about just every band
But the names you drop are second hand
I've heard it all before
I don't want to know your name
'Cause you don't look the same
The way you did before

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