Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Because it's Tuesday - week of April 24

Before I do anything else, I want to wish my dad, the best dad ever, Mr. M.D.S. the happiest of birthdays.  He's an original, a hard working, solid, dependable, honest as the day is long, man.  We are so very lucky to have him in our lives and I feel so grateful to be his daughter.  Love you Dad!!

Now...this week's cover...

Sometimes, the cover a song is just so much better than the original, you wonder what the original artist was thinking.

It's hard to shit on Michael Jackson's music and I'll not really do that however, I will say that the Civil Wars version of "Billie Jean" is so much more appealing to my ears than the original.  It's just super sexy and I dig it.

Enjoy it lovelies xo

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