Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sam's TV

Sam's TV
Originally uploaded by Julep67
Sometimes, in the evenings, at home, when I'm playing with the dogs I think that it would be really cool if they had their own reality show. In reality, no one but us would find it very interesting I'm sure.

I can't believe that it is Thursday already. I took an extra long weekend (I was off on Tuesday as well) so my working week is really short and is flying by. Makes me think that it would be so very nice to be able to afford to work just 60% time. Or not at all, not at all would be really nice. I keep meaning to buy lotto tickets but always forget. It's not that I don't like my job, because I do. I just think it would be more fun to be at home with the puppies and Mark.

Speaking of television, Nardwuar is probably a lot more entertaining to most folks than my dogs would be. I was happy to see that he interviewed my gal Kathy Griffin and the wonderful Lily Tomlin recently. Yay Nardwuar!!

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