Monday, July 21, 2014


First zucchini is off to a good start #container #gardening #homegrown @taxichefSomewhere in our sleepy little subdivision, a thief prowls among us.  We discovered it yesterday and we were quite disappointed.  It would appear that someone or something has made off with Mark's zucchini!! 

So typical, the first one on the plant and the first time in years that Mark's planted anything outside.  At at our last house, the summer before we adopted Sam, Mark had a little garden that yielded a nice amount of zucchini.  He wanted to do it last year but the yard was such a swampy mess that he didn't bother.  This year, we thought we'd try an experiment in "container gardening" because our neighbourhood is full of bunnies.  We used the dog's old swimming pool (which they NEVER used) and put it up on a patio table.  Foolishly, we thought it would be safe up there.  Last night, while he was grilling our dinner, Mark noticed that two of his tiny squash were missing.  I am hoping it was a bunny and not some kind of veggie devouring zombie!

I'm sure that there will be more to come but boy howdy, he was really looking forward to chomping on that first one!


K Bron J said...

So annoying! Might have been a raccoon. We have a groundhog who lives under our shed. He ate my lettuce last year :( I chased him with a broom, but he didn't care.

Peggy said...

A raccoon would make more sense. We have a bunny who lives in our front flower bed and I've seen it in our next door neighbour's back yard but not in ours (I figure it may stay away because we have two dogs). The raccoon would be able to get up on the table a little easier though. I get that these guys are hungry but sheesh, we wait so long for this stuff, it's tough not to be frustrated!

greenhousegal said...

I am so angry at that critter that invaded your Zuke plant......put some barb wire around the pool!!! I know, I am being a little mean but I totally understand how you feel....I think critters in our yard are much cuter now that I don't have a veg garden....
PS Riley's are having a half price sale tomorrow (thurs)...maybe they would have another plant for Mark...luvya.....mum