Friday, January 24, 2020

Not Guilty Just Pleasure - You Don't Wanna Hear It

Good news everyone (yes, as I typed that I heard Professor Farnsworth's voice in my head), Ron Sexsmith has a new record coming out in April. The album will be called Hermitage and the first single, "You Don't Wanna Hear It" was released last week.

First of all, I love Ron Sexsmith. His lyrics are always thoughtful and clever and he tweets the funnest puns around (seriously, if you're not following him on twitter, you really should!!). He'll be touring Canada later this year so if you're lucky enough to be close to where he's playing, check him out. His live shows are pretty great.

As I mentioned last week, so far, 2020 is turning out to be an excellent year for music. If things are this exciting in January, I can't imagine how I'll be feeling by July.

Happy Friday kiddoes, enjoy some wonderful new Ron music xo

say you've got a wounded heart
not dealing is the easy part
so you don't
you don't wanna listen now

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