Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Because it's Tuesday - week of January 28

One of the things that I love and kind of hate about you tube is the way you can get pulled into places you had no intention of going. It's not a bad thing but sometimes it's inconvenient.

Perhaps people who have greater attention spans than I do can get out quickly but that never seems to work for me. I go there looking for one thing, and it suggests that I watch something completely unrelated (but totally awesome) and there I go. Down the rabbit hole. I watch the thing it suggests... and then the next... and so on and maybe, eventually, I will remember why I went there in the first place but probably not.  All in all, not a horrible thing but if you're trying to stick to a schedule, it can really suck your time.

This happened to me yesterday. I went to you tube to watch something (no idea what, can't recall). Instead of finding whatever that was, I saw a link to the "official video" for the Stones Roses classic, "I wanna be adored." I cannot remember the last time I had heard that song, years and years, probably over a decade had passed. Of course, I clicked on it and was transported back in time instantly. I so enjoyed it that I thought, "okay, there is my way back Wednesday song for this week." In 2020, this song is still incredible. It has truly stood the test of time.

As the song finished playing, you tube told me about today's cover (the Raveonettes version of "I wanna be adored"). Well, I love the Raveonettes and had not heard their version so, I clicked.  Wow, it's just beautiful and fans of the original will find a lot to love about this one too.

Hope you enjoy it.

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