Thursday, January 23, 2020

CanCon Thursday - Come On Teacher

On Thursday, I share a Canadian song with you. Today's Canadian song is by Nova Scotia's Joel Plaskett (well technically it's by the Joel Plaskett Emergency - or "the Joe Plastic Energy Band" as I heard the man himself say one time).

As Canadian singer-songwriters go, I think that Joel is fantastic, probably one of the best around today. This song in particular is fun and a bit silly and the video really reminded me of high school. Well the part of it that were actually fun and not that bad stuff which I seem to have been successful at shoving down in the deep dark corners of my brain.

So, today, I'm keeping this quick because I can (my blog my rules). I've loved this song since I first heard it and I think that the video is super fun. I'm sure you'll like it too. Also, it's a great earworm so if it gets stuck in your head today, you're welcome!!

come on teacher
just admit it,
you think that i'll never get it!
i'm the badass of your classroom
well, now you've got a badass classroom.

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