Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Way Back Wednesday - You're The Best Thing

On Wednesdays, I usually share an older song and it's typically one that I really like. Interestingly (or not), I had a totally different song in mind to share today. It was was the mid 1990's and was definitely lo-fi, the total opposite of what I ended up sharing.  Today's song is one that I've loved since the first time I heard it, back in 1984.

Listening to it in 2020, it doesn't sound like it was recorded in the 1980's. It's got a timeless quality, I find that to be true with everything Paul Weller does. He's an incredible artist and this is an amazing song. It was released on their "Cafe Bleu" album (which was renamed "My Ever Changing Moods" for it's US release).

Enjoy, and happy hump day kittens xo

I might shoot to win
And commit the sin
Wanting more than I've already got
I could runaway
But I'd rather stay
In the warmth of your smile lighting up my day

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