Thursday, November 12, 2020

Cancon Thursday - Drinking In LA

Bran Van 3000
The other night, Bill and I were talking about One Hit Wonders and I found a list of songs online which was broken down by decade. We started listening to some of the songs. Many of them, I didn't think were "one hit" wonders because the artists had long, prolific careers and released many popular songs (to me anyway).  but I guess the threshold for what counts as a hit is a lot higher than I thought.

Anyway, when we got to the '90's, we started to recognize fewer and fewer songs. Probably because neither of us were listening to commercial radio / watching videos during the '90's so we were pretty clueless. A couple of songs on that particular list were by Canadian groups. Honestly, to me, the songs and groups are pretty interchangeable. Fans of either group would probably argue with me (and go ahead, I don't care enough about either one to really engage) but if I had to pick one I preferred, it's today's Cancon pick.

So, instead of Len's "Steal My Sunshine," I'm sharing Bran Van 3000's "Drinking in LA." Probably because I remember being sent SO many of those "Glee" stickers at CFRC when the song was released. I like that little deer I guess. Also, what is Todd's favourite cheese?

Here you go, without further adieu, some Bran Van... enjoy and stay safe, please!? Wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands, BE CAREFUL!! xo

I woke up again this morning with the sun in my eyes
When Mike came over with a script surprise
A mafioso story with a twist
A "To Wong Foo, Julie Newmar" hitch
Get your ass out of bed, he said:
I'll explain it on the way

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