Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Way Back Wednesday - Mexican Radio

Mexican Radio

So this week's Way Back Wednesday tune is another wonderful and iconic 80's gem. I don't often find myself wishing that I was in Tijuana or craving some barbecued iguana but, I recently heard today's song again after a long, long time and was reminded of how much I loved it.

Wall of Voodoo released "Mexican Radio" on their 1982 album, "Call of the West." This is probably their best known song as the video received a lot of attention on the music video shows and channels back in the days when they actually aired music videos. Wall of Voodoo definitely fall into the "new wave" category but they were a bit different. They had a sound which was definitely inspired by spaghetti westerns. Lead singer Stan Ridgway's lyrics were quirky and catchy. A great combination if you ask me.

I hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane. Stay safe folks, wash your hands and wear your masks, it's getting weird out there again xo

I hear the rhythms of the music
I buy the product and never use it
I hear the talking of the dj
Can't understand just what does he say?

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